Hello Beautiful
I'm very honored to have you join me every week for my blog
posts. I don't take it for granted because you have so many other things you
could be doing but you selected to read my blog. Just to take the time for
yourself and hear God and reflect on your life.
I'm not sure if you have ever heard the saying of "Penny
for your thoughts". My godfather would ask me every time he would see me
(really when I was running this mouth of mine) or if we were riding to dinner
or even an event. If I was very quiet he would always say penny for your
thoughts. What does that mean to you? I know for me I would say how about dollar
or more for my thoughts and he would just laugh and laugh. Now for me I would
be thinking no for real I want to tell you if you're going to pay me big bucks.
I know that might sound funny now but as a teen or young child that's what I
was thinking.
As I write this blog, I wonder how many times God has been
asking us a penny for our thoughts? I know you're thinking God knows all our
thoughts and this is true but really asking you a penny for your thoughts is to
get you to open your mouth and start to share. God desires for you to share
with Him or communicate with Him on a daily bases. He wants to hear from you.
What happens when you go silent? I wonder is God calling out to you and wanting
you to share your problems, frustrations, and joyful moments with Him. He’s
wanting you to say may be a simple thank you for keeping me safe. Just say
something. We treat God like a natural man/woman or human meaning when we are
mad or the person has upset us we stop talking to them. Why do we do this to
God? I think because we get in our feelings and we have placed God on the same
level as us (humans) and we don't believe He will help us or listen to us. We
have lost faith and lost trust in God based off of our world experience with
people. God wants us to talk to Him every single day and telling Him all our
problems. He is a problem solver and believe it or not He is the best problem
solver. God loves you more than you can ever imagine and he wants to hear your
voice just like when you're in distress you want to hear His voice.
As you finish up your first or second cup of tea think about
the last time your spoke with God from your heart and absolutely nothing as
happening in your life like a storm or crisis? Take this time right now and
just talk to Him because I'm sure He wants to hear from you and speak to you.
P.S On my third cup and I love talking to God and apply the 1
Peter 5;7 rule daily. Just to get me
talking to Him every day. Plus I love Him just that much.
1 Peter 5:7 NLT Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.