Saturday, April 21, 2018

He tried it!!!!

Greetings my wonderful Sister/ Brother,

I know the title alone made you stop and think just a moment. I'm sure you was thinking yasss honey say it! Guess what I am!!! My tea for you today is the enemy tried it! Grab your hot,warm, or cold cup of tea and dive right into this blog today. 

So a week or so ago the enemy tried to take over my baby's body. It started with a fever he tried to keep her in that state for a very long time. I'm not sure about you but I don't like when either one of my babies to get sick. I know I don't have babies my children are 14,12,8, and 6 and the enemy tried to take over my six year old baby girl. I'm a true mommy to the heart when it comes to my kids so I will call them my babies until I don't know, I die I guess. What about you, do you call your kids even if they're grown your babies or does the language change on how you address them? Share in the comments below. Ok, back to my point I was making! My baby had a fever starting on Monday and that fever didn't go away until Sunday afternoon a week later. Now here's where some would have missed the opportunity to focus not on the fever but on the time to focus on God's Word. 
The enemy tries to get you so off focused with just the fever okay. My baby didn't eat but she would drink whatever fluids I would give to her. I said ok, that's a plus and her fever kept rising. Now right there some would have panicked and started doing the most. Some of you might be thinking why didn't you rush her to the doctor on day one.  I was walking by faith and I don't jump so quick and miss what God is really trying to do in the midst of the storm. I kept praying and then that Friday I said okay the fever really high. Now mind you I was giving her medicines to get the fever to go away. But that devil really tried and oh get's deeper after that Friday. So we went to the doctor and they gather somethings to run some tests and only to find out everything came back clear. So at that moment I said to myself you tried it didn't you!! Who was I speaking too, no other than Satan himself. My sweet baby girl looked so horrible and was not herself at all. Then it gets worse! I know you're thinking NOOOO IT CAN'T! Well yes it can and it did! 
Drink you some tea and brace yourself for what I'm about to say. Then before you read on just say to yourself: He tried it!! The doctor gave her some medicine and we start giving her the medicines but then she can't urinate! I'm like you really trying it with me. You can't have my baby's body, you can't stop the message within her, you can't cut off the gifts flowing within her so you have to free her now in Jesus name. Now my baby girl didn't potty for 24 hours but then after warfare she did go. I couldn't believe he tried it. The problem is we don't identify it's him the enemy in time. We get caught up in the moment of whatever the distraction may be we focus only on that. I look at it as a storm or a road block and then once I see what the enemy is really trying to do I call it out. I was like yeah, you thought it was going to be easy and you thought I was off duty because my baby was sick. Nope, never, not going to happen, and I was ready. I read that devil some Word and no shade and got him right on together. I had to let him know even if you try it I'm on guard and don't get that twisted. 
Now after that week she is moving and back to her normal self in the aspect of hyper, jumping, and giggling self. That's my sweetness and I love her and I know she has something that the enemy doesn't want her to be able to do. I know this is different from my other blogs but I know I needed to share how I overcame something the enemy tried to stop. He will try to stop you and your family from doing the Will of God anyway he possible can. Don't allow him to do so! You have what it takes to call the enemy out and let him know he tried it but he didn't WIN!!!

Keep drinking your tea and think about your victories you have gain and think back how the enemy tried to stop each win you had in your life! You win every time!! Remember that!!!

P.S. I want you to be my special guest at the Serenity Conference! Kids are welcomed just register each child! Can't wait to see you here in Houston, TX. June 23rd!

Romans 8:37 (NLT)

No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Hello Beautiful,

I hope you have had a great few months of just relaxing and enjoying your family. I know I have been enjoying mine and I took a break from writing. Well, really I've been working on other stuff. I'll let you know real soon but I do want each of you to come and hang out with me at the Serenity Conference here in Houston, TX in June of this year. I will have the registration link listed below so you can come and join me and some more amazing ladies. 

Now about this R & R plus some tea. In the morning or even a weekend like today as you read this blog have a nice cup of warm or room temp tea. I mean you should be able to rest and relax as often as possible.  Do you find yourself always trying  to meet everyone else's needs? I'm sure you have and you are forgetting about yourself. The first (R) is for rest and you need the rest and the next (R) is for relax. We as women sometimes to forget we need to rest and relax even when we don't think it's necessary to rest and relax. On days like these we have to think about how our bodies work and we need to listen to our bodies. God created us to work for a while but we also need to rest. Not just at night and are you really getting those wonderful eight hours of sleep every night? I know for me I think if I get a few hours of sleep I'll be alright because I'll drink some amazing tea in the morning and I'll be fine. 

Sometimes we relax and rest from the wrong things. We will put God aside and rest from praying and rest from studying the Word of God or doing His will. I'm not sure about you but I have learned that when you rest on the things of God you seem to go into a mode of nonstop. I learned that resting and relaxing your body and may be your mind, but never rest and relax on the things of God.  My break from writing only gave me more time to spend with God. It gave me more time to  hear Him clearly and understand what He needed me to do. The same for you just rest your body but never rest on the things of God. You can sip on your tea and relax your mind and your body, but don't stop doing the things of God. Don't just rest on things God has asked you to do to build His kingdom.  

I think you should get some R&R and it's needed for your body and for your mind, but don't rest on the things of God. Keep pressing forward and He'll do the rest for you. Time to do some wonderful R&R and don't forget your tea honey!!!

P.S.  Don't forget to come and join me at the Serenity Conference. 

Exodus 34:21 (NKJV)“Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest; in plowing time and in harvest you shall rest.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Penny for your Thought

Hello Beautiful

I'm very honored to have you join me every week for my blog posts. I don't take it for granted because you have so many other things you could be doing but you selected to read my blog. Just to take the time for yourself and hear God and reflect on your life. 

I'm not sure if you have ever heard the saying of "Penny for your thoughts". My godfather would ask me every time he would see me (really when I was running this mouth of mine) or if we were riding to dinner or even an event. If I was very quiet he would always say penny for your thoughts. What does that mean to you? I know for me I would say how about dollar or more for my thoughts and he would just laugh and laugh. Now for me I would be thinking no for real I want to tell you if you're going to pay me big bucks. I know that might sound funny now but as a teen or young child that's what I was thinking. 

As I write this blog, I wonder how many times God has been asking us a penny for our thoughts? I know you're thinking God knows all our thoughts and this is true but really asking you a penny for your thoughts is to get you to open your mouth and start to share. God desires for you to share with Him or communicate with Him on a daily bases. He wants to hear from you. What happens when you go silent? I wonder is God calling out to you and wanting you to share your problems, frustrations, and joyful moments with Him. He’s wanting you to say may be a simple thank you for keeping me safe. Just say something. We treat God like a natural man/woman or human meaning when we are mad or the person has upset us we stop talking to them. Why do we do this to God? I think because we get in our feelings and we have placed God on the same level as us (humans) and we don't believe He will help us or listen to us. We have lost faith and lost trust in God based off of our world experience with people. God wants us to talk to Him every single day and telling Him all our problems. He is a problem solver and believe it or not He is the best problem solver. God loves you more than you can ever imagine and he wants to hear your voice just like when you're in distress you want to hear His voice. 

As you finish up your first or second cup of tea think about the last time your spoke with God from your heart and absolutely nothing as happening in your life like a storm or crisis? Take this time right now and just talk to Him because I'm sure He wants to hear from you and speak to you. 

P.S On my third cup and I love talking to God and apply the 1 Peter 5;7  rule daily. Just to get me talking to Him every day. Plus I love Him just that much.

1 Peter 5:7 NLT  Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Breakfast for Dinner

Hey ya'll,

​I thought I would change my greeting up just a little because of the title I'll be sharing about. I'm not sure if anyone else house hold serve breakfast for dinner, but for me and my house breakfast will be served. Now my family loves a good breakfast for dinner and I love cooking them different types of things for breakfast (dinner). I know sometimes we have some mega breakfast sandwiches or pancakes with a ton of really good toppings. Then sometimes I make some homemade biscuits, rice, eggs, and bacon. Nothing fancy but great for our home. I know you're thinking where is she going with this and how will she spin this to show a relationship with God. 

I believe we get set in such traditions of we can't have something or it's supposed to be a certain way. Well, I can't say I have a traditional household in the aspect of just serving a normal dinner. Then I ask. “What a normal dinner?” If it's past 5pm and you’re eating; whatever you're eating it's dinner. I know that may sound funny but it's true. 

Now with our relationship with God have you locked yourself into a traditional relationship, which means you only read your bible on Sunday and Midweek services, and maybe pray only when needed? Is this the type of relationship you have?  You may have this type of relationship what you saw growing up within your household. This means you attended church only on CEM (Christmas, Easter, and Mother's Day)! God didn't create you to have a traditional relationship and stay within a box. God is bigger than that little box and He loves to mix things up. Why are you trying to stay the same all the time? I know you might not like eating breakfast for dinner but what about not eating at the dining room table and do something else. Like go outside or even in the living room pop up some folding tables. Trust me your kids or grand kids will love the change. Here's something I did outside of breakfast for dinner because I just thought it would blow my kids minds. Now brace yourself because I love getting outside the box and I love taking the limits off of what God can do, which for me I strive to do things way outside the box. Ok, some who read this and know me may say a whole lot outside of the box I love to do. LOL  This is so true, so now back to the point of my outside of the box dinner. I did nothing but desserts for dinner. No seriously. my kiddos came home from school and saw a table full of desserts and I said here's dinner! It was pie, cake, cookies, brownies, and a pear cobbler. Yes, all for dinner nothing else. Now here's the catch that they didn't know until the next day everything they ate had some type of vegetable within the dish! Yes, it ranged from spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and carrots. If you would like more of those recipes or how I pulled it off leave a comment below and I'll tell you.... 

The point of that information was to share that even with going outside of that box, I have taken the limits off my God. I have said, “Why do I limit a God who created a world, and designed my body and so much more?” I use to believe I had to have a meat, 2 sides and some type of bread to serve for dinner. Now just like I learned more about God and taken the restraints off of Him and stop having a traditional relationship with God. I started seeking him daily and I started to understanding how much He wanted to give me more than I could ever imagine. Have you thought about what your life would really look like if you took the limits off of God? Believe me when I say this, He has and want so much more for you. The only thing is your choosing just the traditional basic relationship instead of trying that breakfast for dinner. Meaning try learning more about God, and start plugging into your local church and try to do more to please God. I tell you things will start changing so fast and so much for you. You will see things so differently. 

Do you want to be free and not stuck anymore? Then now is your time to say, "Yes, God I want more of You". Now when you say this really mean it and really go after Him. He is waiting for you. You don't have to have this boring relationship because honey I tell you God has some very exciting things for you and need you to do! I said yes, and now I'm loving my life even more,and not just a boring relationship with God anymore. I'm doing my part and walking out the vision He gave to me. I lead some of the most amazing people and if you're in the Houston area you should come and check us out. 

Now, I ask you will you have breakfast for dinner or just stay the same. Will you go after God and seek Him to get out of the boring same old same old routine you've known for a long time to see what more He has for you?  I would say yes and at least give it a shoot! Don't be cheated out of what you could really have from God!!! Go after that breakfast for dinner and take the limits off of God!

P.S. My church is Phileo Community Church and I would love to see you there. We do church outside the box or what I would like to say breakfast for dinner! :-)

Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.

Sunday, January 21, 2018


Hello beautiful,

I'm not sure if you have noticed this weather has been a roller coaster ride all in one week. I know it went from cold to freezing to then ice in for a few days, to now warm I guess. I'm not sure what was going on and I couldn't just drink my wonderful tea. It was so cold I had to pull out some hot chocolate. I couldn't believe how up and down and then the rain. Yes, I know it's not a lot but still the rain here and there. I know this sounds like I'm complaining but I want you to see how we react to everything in such a negative way. 

Let's recap this weather for the week. God showed us something so amazing with the wonderful rain and then the beautiful white ice or snow. How often do we in the Southeast Texas get to experience a chance to look out our windows and see the most breathtaking sight of nothing but white. It was icicles and the grounds were covered in white ice. Some people get snow but we got ice. Yesss!!! So amazing! Then we broke records in temperatures being 19 degrees. Gasp for air because this area hasn't had that type of weather since 1989. 

Now let's look at our relationship with God. How cold do we get when things are going so well and we're really enjoying ourselves. We turn our relationship off or we don't pray and study as much as we should when things are going so well. Then as soon as we get into trouble or a storm arises we get really hot and on fire for God. Why do we do this? Why do we change so drastically with our relationship with God? Simple we act just like the weather because we don't have a true and deep relationship with God. This can be from a few things of didn't learn how to have a true relationship or even only treat God like He's right here as a natural man. Just depends on how you view it or what has been taught and understood. 

I believe we should evaluate our relationship because we shouldn't have an up and down relationship with God. Our relationship with him should be a good relationship in the way of we want to learn more about Him and we want to have a close and intimate relationship. We should be amazed at all He does for us on a daily bases. It shouldn't be only when things are going bad in our lives we want more of Him. We should prepare to want more of Him during the great times of our lives because that's Him showing His self to us. When things are going bad these are the times He wants us to cry out to Him so he can show Himself to us in a different way. 
Through the good times or the bad times we need God and our relationship with Him shouldn’t change just because it’s good or if it’s bad. Our relationship shouldn’t reflect and be on a roller coaster ride like the weather but a pure and genuine relationship with God. Loving Him for whom He is in our lives and not just for what He can do for us.  Run toward Him, invest your time in Him, and dive deep into what He has for you.  Don’t be like the weather but be more like God every single day, which is to love all and display Him in everything you do and say.

P.S.  Did you fix hot chocolate or tea during this cold spell we had? Share in the comments below..

“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Wait It's TEA TIME!!

Greetings Beautiful,

I had a fun and unique Saturday but was rushing and hanging with my kiddos that I didn't post my blog. I was so shocked when it flashed in my mind that I haven't posted yet. I couldn't believe I had missed the opportunity to really fellowship with God and to give the blog you will be reading. How could this have a happened? Simple, I get super excited when all 4 of my wonderful children say, “Mom we're going with you to the stores"! Then I get all excited and start rushing and doing hair and getting things lined up so they can have a great time with me for the day. Normally I rush off early before they get up on a Saturday, but this time they was up and ready to jet off with me. I love these moments because I'm not sure how long these moments of all 4 thinks it's super cool to follow mom to the stores on a Saturday. 

Now you’re thinking that's a great thing, and yes it is an amazing thing. We went everywhere this Saturday. To the farmers market and all types of stores we went too. Yes, the farmers markets are really nice and we buy things we don't have access too such as pickles like those flavored pickles and fried plantains. Soo yummy... then I heard in my spirit when I got home was wait it's my time. Now, that was Holy Spirit reminding me that I had skipped out on our time together. No not just my regular prayer time, but our intimate time of us being together and me listening and getting things for my blogs. He talks to me about how He saw I could have done things better or different throughout the week. I love those moments and I allow my excitement to rob me of that time. That's no real excuse because I should have just said to my kids wait it's tea time. They would have understood that I needed to have my special time with God. 

What other things do we allow to pull us away from our time with the Lord, no our special and intimate time with Him? He wants us to spend these moments with Him so He can really talk to us and we can talk to Him. He's our Father so we should have a ton to say to Him just like He has a ton to say to us. You're thinking I pray every day and yes you do but how long are you really spending the time with Him. Just time to bask in His Glory and feel His presence upon your face. God wants these moments with you and you should desire these special moments with Him. I had to repent because I pushed Him aside to go hang with my kids not for a few hours but we was hanging out like all day. I loved every minute of it. We went from store to store trying cool snacks, looking at new items that just hit the shelves. Oh it was so great! We should spend as much time as we can with our children. 

Oh my gosh!!! Did you just notice how I started moving toward sharing about my amazing children and what we did Saturday? Yes, just that simple we can get pulled off of our moments with God. We have to get this phrase in our minds and hearts, “wait it's tea time". You will know that you have to stop and get that time in with God. We have to stop allowing everything and anything get in our way to spend with God. I love God and our relationship that we have, but even me a Pastor gets off focused from time to time. I have to get back on track and do what I need to do. This means I repent and strive for the mark the next time around. This is the times you can cast all your cares on God and really hear what He thinks and how you can solve every issue. He will tell you how much He loves you, how much He cares for you, and will tell you how He kept you safe all week. He will even tell you about the amazing moments He has created for you during the week. As you can see a lot will go on in this special time, and you need these moments. 

We have to spend time with God as often as we can and we have to push for that time. We must create those moments or we will miss those moments. Don't miss those moments! Take the time and just say wait it's tea time and spend time with God. You need those moments!

P.S. Those are the best moments and you can really enjoy your tea without any interruptions!

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Was it all that you dreamed of

Top of the morning!!

This is our first official weekend of the 2018! Was it what you dreamed it would be or was it just another year? The same old things you always do every January? I sure hope not, because we just had the new tea and a new promise all for a New Year. You may have had a great week then celebrate, because many more great weeks to come your way. If you didn't have the best week just known you too have many great weeks ahead of you also. I believe on New Year's Eve you hear so much of excitement either you spent the New Year's Eve at church or with friends and family you get excited. You hear vision being taught, or goals being set. This excites you and you get fired up. So what happens when it doesn't happen in the first week?

Do you give up or do you shift and hold on to the promises and goals you have set? I know for me it was a busy week somewhat. I knew I had somethings that had to be taken care of but I didn't allow those things to derail me from my goals. I didn't mention this in my last blog but I'm working on a devotional book. I can't wait; I've been praying and writing. My beautiful kiddos are on Holiday at their grandmothers so a lot of quite time for me. While, kind of because I still have the dogs. Love them too. Back to the point I was making of knowing you'll have somethings you have to do but plan them as much as possible. You can create every week the way you want it to go. I know it will be somethings that are not planned and you have to take care of it but don't let those few things stop you. Keep going after that dream. 

This week with my new teas and I have really tasted different types and I hope you have too. Don't allow it to stop just for the New Year's Eve but keep it going. Make those dreams become reality. 

I know I would like for you to just write down a few things that will help you next week with staying focused and going after your dreams. I mean right after you finish the blog or just stop and do it right now. I think writing it down and making it clear will help you see every day and it will be a great reminder of what you're going after. You can enjoy life or just allow everything around make your life hard or complicated.  Again rethink this week? Was it really a bad week or was it the way you dreamed it would be? Sometimes you can dream something that is not great because you don't expect anything great to happen. It's all about what you dreamed because you have the control of what you want to see happen in your life. Yes, life does happen but you can change by applying the Word of God as well as speaking and thinking positive. 

Hebrews 11:1-3 NLT
'Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation. By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.'P.S IT'S GOING TO BE A GREAT YEAR!!!